Smart models for environmental systems

Intelligent models make it possible to analyze complex environmental systems and make reliable predictions about how they will react to human influences. Sabine Attinger develops such models at the UFZ in Leipzig - a video portrait.
A great deal of data science is needed to make computational models a reliable tool for analyzing and predicting environmental changes. This is no easy task, because environmental systems are complex, human intervention is numerous and the corresponding data material is both extensive and in many areas incomplete. Furthermore, the models must be reduced to a necessary minimum of complexity and the right parameters must be defined. Someone who is familiar with these challenges is Sabine Attinger.
Attinger is Professor for "Mathematical Modeling" at the University of Potsdam and heads the Department of Computational Hydrosystems and the research unit Smart Models / Monitoring at the UFZ in Leipzig. There she develops models that can analyze complex environmental systems and predict how they will react to climate change.
In a video portrait of the UFZ, the theoretical physicist describes what fascinates her about the new era of data science.